When I had my first baby...
I thought I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I grew up as the oldest sister in a large family, I was a nanny for 8 years to a family with 5 kids, I had taken the birthing and breastfeeding classes at my local hospital, and of course, I had a ridiculous amount of baby clothes folded and ready to go in the nursery. Honestly, I felt more prepared than most and was SO ready to become a mom.
However, once the doctor placed my beautiful baby in my arms and the adrenaline rush of delivery settled down, I had never felt so clueless in my life. While I felt like I had prepared as much as I could for birth and motherhood, I realized at that moment that nobody told me what to expect postpartum. Nobody told me what to expect with a fresh-from-the-womb newborn.
I had no idea what was happening with my body. I had no idea what was normal, what wasn’t normal, and whether or not I should be worried about it all. I also had no idea if everything with my baby was normal or not. Is she getting enough food? Why is she spitting up so much? Are these noises normal? How do I know if she has to burp? Should I swaddle now? How do I do this?

The questions and self-doubt continued and I felt embarrassed to ask for help because I thought surely I was the only one struggling. Why can everyone else do this so easily and I’m completely inadequate!?Â
Oh, how I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how NORMAL my experience was.
Since then, I have made it my mission to speak up about my postpartum experience because I never want anyone to feel the way that I felt: lonely and confused.
I created this Postpartum Program and taught it for the first time in 2021 and I could not believe how well it was received. Moms flooded in from all around the world, soaking in every word because it was full of things they'd never been taught before!
I want to put a stop to this madness.
Val {Florida, USA}
Hearing you talk about your PPD experience made me realize I needed help. You seriously changed my life. I was drowning and could barely catch my breath for months. Finally I got help and I totally get what you mean when you said, "I felt like I woke up from a long nap," because every time anyone asks me how I'm feeling now, my response has been "I feel awake." I don't know how to thank you enough for sharing your story.
Women deserve to be educated on what they are about to experience.
- Women deserve to go into motherhood feeling prepared, excited, and ready for whatever comes their way.
- Women deserve to feel joy, not confusion, as they bring beautiful babies into this world.

What will I learn in this Postpartum Course?
- The physical healing process after birth
- The emotional healing process after birth
- Hormone changes postpartum
- Relationship shifts with a new baby and how to work as a team
- Adjusting to more than one child
- Symptoms to look for with PPD and PPA
- Finding and reaching out for support
- Newborn muscle development
- Newborn digestive development
- Newborn Sleep
- Spit up & acid reflux
- Feeding: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Burping
- Diaper changing
- Tummy troubles: gas and constipation
- Colic

Andrea {Tennessee, USA}
With my second, I had a lot of tools in place as far as sleep goes, but your advice and stories helped give me confidence that I knew what to do. Your openness about PPD has made me feel so supported and not alone. Man, the first year can be tough, and nothing can prepare you 100%, but you're an incredible resource.
I can’t wait to help you prepare for the most important phase of your life. Motherhood truly is beautiful and magical, and I want you to start off on the right foot. Don’t make the same mistake I did and walk in blindly. You deserve to educate yourself and absolutely thrive in your postpartum experience.