$107.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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The Sleep Fairy Way Course {2-Month Payment Plan}

A simple, gentle, and effective way to teach your baby how to sleep.

What you'll get:

  • INSTANT ACCESS to The Sleep Fairy Way Course so you can start getting better sleep today!
  • INSTANT ACCESS to all the downloads, including bonuses! You’ll have the course Workbook, eBook, Sample Schedules, Bedtime Routines, Nap Transitions, Wake Windows and other supplemental guides at your fingertips the minute you sign up.
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the above.


  • Sleep Regressions, Co-sleeping, and "Now What?" audio trainings
  • Bonus Swaddling, Unswaddling, and Tips for Twins Video

$767 worth of content, for just 2 payments of $107! 

What People Are Saying:

I just wanted to say thank you so much for this course! I have spoken to other moms who have babies the same age as my son and they are only getting 2 hour stretches during the night. I feel so rested getting at least 6 hours in these early weeks! I know I wouldn’t make it through this newborn stage without sleep. Your course saved me! - Ana

I tried two other methods and The Sleep Fairy Way was a GAME CHANGER for me and my twins! It’s so easy to understand and we noticed results soon after implementing everything she teaches. Couldn’t be happier! - Aubree